At the May 1st Dry Creek Parkway Advisory Committee meeting, the Sacramento Regional Parks Staff proposed a new “Disc Golf” course to be created in the area southwest of the Cherry Island golf course, just west of the Dry Creek bikeway. Very generally, this is in the area of 24th and Q Street.
Regional Parks has been working with the El Dorado Disc Sports Foundation to develop a proposed location for the 27-hole disc golf course.

After approval from the Dry Creek Parkway Advisory Committee, Regional Parks staff will bring it to the Recreation and Park Commission for approval. An environmental review for the project and amending the Dry Creek Parkway Master Plan would also have to be completed before installation could begin.
Disc golf is played much like golf but instead of clubs the players use a Frisbee-like disc. The course is set up with tees and baskets and like golf, the object is to complete each “hole” with the fewest “strokes” or throws of the disc. El Dorado Disc Sports Foundation is a local organization that has been working to bring disc golf courses to Sacramento area communities since 2016. Since then, they’ve established 3 courses and work with community volunteers and business sponsors to help with maintenance of the course.
The course along the Dry Creek Parkway would help increase visitation to the Dry Creek Parkway and deter unwanted uses. In addition, the new course can provide a new means of low-impact exercise to the Dry Creek Parkway that leaves a nominal environmental impact.
There will be some costs associated with the environmental review for the project. However, El Dorado Disc Sports Foundation will cover the bulk of project costs associated with baskets, tee pads, tee signs, message board and trash cans, as well as the installation labor.
Dry Creek Advisory Committee (DCPAC) has scheduled a special meeting to walk the property and review the proposal first-hand. This will take place on Thursday, May 30th at 9:30am at 2429 U St, Rio Linda, CA 95673. The meeting will begin at the Cherry Island Sports Complex in the western-most parking lot.

For more information, please visit the links below: